Wednesday, March 26, 2008

big pimpin' pak style

We have Richard Boucher and John Negroponte, the high rollers who have always gotten the best whores the brothel has to offer by throwing sweet, sweet dollars around for years, having to go hat in hand to the new Big Pimps in the house only to find that they have to get in line like all the other skanky johns who come off the street.

But their trip wasn't a complete waste. They got a chance to visit "President" Musharraf, the sad old whore no one wants to fuck any more but who's kept around because no one's gotten around to putting her shit in the street yet (but don't worry, it'll happen soon enough).

fate and free will

And now, the picture explains alot. But just a couple of months ago, he was feeling so fuckin' good that he thought hes the king of the motherfuckin' world, and everyone around him was wrong because he just felt so got-damn right.

And because of his cronies he thought hes so fuckin' hot that his cock was three inches bigger than it was. For that reason he had been picking fights with the weakest pussies just so that he could kick some ass and feel so fuckin' good about himself. .

Monday, March 24, 2008

monkeys on top

Remember the joke: An organisation is like a tree full of monkeys - All on different levels, some climbing up, some hanging from the bottom branches.

The monkeys on top look down and see a tree full of smiling faces. The monkeys on the bottom look up and see nothing but assholes.

But its a different when it comes to Parliament in Pakistan.

These monkeys on the top are, assholes themselves, looking up and can see a House full of smiling faces.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

a wise decision

In the given scenario, this is by large a wise decision taken by the PPP to nominate the party VC, Yousaf Raza Gillani as the leader of the house.
The most interesting part is that he will be sworn in as the PM by the very man who presided over his persecution.

There have been alot of discussion on this. Some favored Amin Faheem and some others, criticizing Part co-chair Zardari. It sure has been one of the good decisions taken by the party. Its a fact that Gillani, since hes from the Punjab-Sindh border, will take care of the political issues between the two provinces.

It was believed that the senior leader of the party Amin Fahim was weighing his wings to lead a dissenting group within the party with the support of Pervez Musharraf if he was not elected the Prime Minister.

But its a myth that Amin FAheem has any political or personal influnce on any politician. No ones cares about him in Sindh and outside his hometown. He has been a establishment's blue eyed boy, and no one gives a shit about him within the party and outside the party. So, even he wants to he could go and give it a damn try.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

kick one ass

Musharraf has been using the constitution documents to wipe his ass, telling others “that’s where the legal papers go.” And the new parliament leaders are making it sure this time that he gets all the “papers” up his holes now. Yes, the boys are ready to kick some asses here. Or should we say kick just once big fat ass.

Hell, the man couldn't even rig an election properly. He's definitely off his game. But, reading the comments of American administration officials about Pakistan these days is like trying to make sense of the rantings of a schizoid loonie, or maybe a small child who still believes that fairies exist.

The truth is that the Bushes and Rices of the world prefer to throw good money after bad if there's only one thief and liar acting as a conduit. With so many new players in the game, who can US officials trust to tell them those sweet post-9/11 lies as prettily as Musharraf?

Zardari talked a good game on CNN's opinion pages recently, taking particular umbrage at the thought of international assistance being "diverted" towards "making Pakistan's affluent few richer". Insert your own joke here.

Monday, March 17, 2008

parliament convenes

"I am Musharraf and you are shit" thats what the ex-general used to scream on the top of his lungs a month ago.

Now the new members of the parliament have promised to challenge the US -backed president, Pervez Musharraf, by slashing his powers and reviewing his counterterrorism policies.

- more later

Sunday, March 2, 2008

no we can't

It's time that we stripped away all the screaming and fainting and other insanity and took a look at what The Word Made Flesh means by his campaign slogan "Yes We Can".

Looks like what he's trying to say is "Yes We Can Continue the Insanity of George Bush and Invade Countries That Haven't Attacked the U.S."

It is time to turn the page. When I am President, we will wage the war that has to be won, with a comprehensive strategy with five elements: getting out of Iraq and on to the right battlefield in Afghanistan and Pakistan; developing the capabilities and partnerships we need to take out the terrorists and the world's most deadly weapons; engaging the world to dry up support for terror and extremism; restoring our values; and securing a more resilient homeland.

The first step must be getting off the wrong battlefield in Iraq, and taking the fight to the terrorists in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

It's funny. Bush used almost the exact same justification to invade Iraq. But hey, Obama "opposed" that fiasco. So why not launch a fiasco of his own?