Monday, November 26, 2007

sharifs back this time

Check this out: if United MPL under the leadership of Nawaz or one of his family member gets ‘elected’ and forms a government with Musharraf as head of the state. Why did the people suffer for eight years, this military-political parties-administration troika.
A well planned exit and a well planned entry. What a joke that was when Nawaz tried to return back on a national carrier and sent back to Saudia. But this time, he came with all his family, all his stuff in a Royal plane. The troika is once again trying to fool the people, eh?
The bitter rivalry and poor judgment of Benazir and Nawaz Sharif in the nineties actually lent legitimacy to Musharraf’s coup, and we are going to witness this all over again.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

return deal?

Did you ever realize in the realm of your so-called patriotism, what a sick society we are living in. The latest disaster in the country has actually made us think that fundamentally nothing has changed over the course of past few decades. Like - its just two goddamn ‘leaders’ trying to rule the country, with the help or support of army, damn.
A rotten mess all over again. They took away our right of rule from us, didn’t they?

Monday, November 19, 2007

election ahead?

Sure, we all know that Musharraf thinks and says stupid things all the time. And we should really be worried whenever he talks about something that he claims he's been thinking on (if by "thinking," you mean, "talking to people smarter than him"). These are the things the man does after he claims he's thought through all the possibilities; still, no matter how much thought he gives it, the outcome is hopelessly predictable. Beyond what he thinks about, the truly frightening and just plain wrong shit that comes from his mouth is the shit he's planned to say. And for sure, the generals dont think anything.

Friday, November 16, 2007

sala ek general

what a treat this is. salute to you comrade!

- more later on Mullah and Military

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Portrait: as foolish men

Man seriously, i couldnt stop myself.

At the State Dinner: "Americans will support the Pakistani people as they take further steps toward democracy, expand educational opportunities for boys and girls, and create prosperity through innovation and global trade.
Pakistan has a bright future because of its proud people, and because of the hard work of a strong leader. President Musharraf, you've proved yourself to be a man of courage and vision."
At the Joint Press Conference: "We support democracy in Pakistan. President Musharraf understands that in the long run, the way to defeat terrorists is to replace an ideology of hatred with an ideology of hope.
And I thank you for your extensive briefing today on your plans to spread freedom throughout your country. President Musharraf envisions a modern state that provides an alternative to radicalism."
Standing next to Bush, President Musharraf said, "I will follow constitutional norms. Even now I am following constitutional norms where I have been allowed to wear this uniform until 2007 -- being in uniform as the President of Pakistan. Beyond 2007, yes, indeed, this is an issue which has to be addressed and it has to be addressed according to the constitution of Pakistan. And I will never violate the constitution of Pakistan."
On September 22, 2006, in a joint press conference in DC, President Bush comments, "We talked about democracy. The last time I was with the President, he assured me, and assured the people that were listening to the news conference, that there would be free and fair elections in Pakistan in 2007. He renewed that commitment, because he understands that the best way to defeat radicalism and extremism is to give people a chance to participate in the political process of a nation."
And, of course, inevitably, President Bush on November 5, 2007: "President Musharraf has been a strong fighter against extremists and radicals, that he understands the dangers posed by radicals and extremists. After all, they tried to kill him three or four times. And our hope is that he will restore democracy as quickly as possible."
There's not a goddamn thing that Bush believes or promises that has or will ever been or be true. And same goes for General Musharraf, by the way.

need balls

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

hours of lies

Here's what we've learned in the last 90 hours or so, none of it terribly surprising but in the aggregate quite frightening. We've learned there's different kinds of lies:
The Advocate General was ordered to lie about everything related to, you know, elections. He was a complicit pussy for all these months, anyway.
Then the new CJ lied. He declared the anti-emergency judgment as void.
BB lied to the nation again. She has so far issued no call to protest.
And the biggest lies of all, Musharraf’s uttered a bunch of shit in his speech. He lied accusing the SC of taking the side of ‘extremists and terrorists’ and interfering in government matters.
The main reason given was thee attacks on the state administration and the security agencies through judicial interference. Well, thats why they are suppose to do, dont they?
So here we are: the AG, the CJ, the COAS, all lying to us. We've got a military government that is actually functioning to bring harm to its citizens.

Monday, November 5, 2007

dial M for Military

Isnt it interesting that every political person so far has been arrested but the PP leaders including the chairperson. They have cut the deal again and father must be rolling in his grave. The political workers were beaten hard everywhere, but BB could hold press conferences and deliver her pissy statements. At Bilawal House, she criticised emergency rule but did not hint at agitation to protest it. “We believe in a peaceful democratic struggle for a smooth transition to democracy,” she said.
If we have to sum up the performances, it would be thus: Musharraf ruffled, Nawaz Sharif collected, Condoleezza Rice critically apologetic and BB commanding.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

emergency imposed

Its simple that a motherfucker, fucks mothers. Even if presented with a choice to fuck something else he will always do some motherfucking.
It's coz hes a motherfucker, and he will do it anywhere he pleases. Sure, someone will try to tell him that it's time to stop fucking, but that's not who he is. It's not like all of a sudden hes gonna stop fucking mothers.
Maybe, once in a while he thinks that everyone realizes how much he fucks, he will do some secret fucking of mothers. Instead of just announcing to the world that hes gonna fuck this mother, he’s gona do it on the down-low so everyone thinks hes stopped fucking. That way, if no one asks and if no one checks things out, he can safely fuck a mother.
But if someone pushes him back and tries to stop him, he will suspend everything, just so that he could fuck.
Bottom line, a motherfucker got to do, what a mothertfucker got to do.