Saturday, November 8, 2008

Obama's win

Given all the facts that hes the very first African American to take the charge of the world now, but whats more amazing to me is that AlQaeda or Taliban or anyother terrorist organization didnt release any video or message. strange isnt it? Coz every single time when Bush administration was in hot waters those assholes were out there to virtually help them out. 
Osama endorsed Obama? Looks like that. 

Monday, September 29, 2008

calm the fuck down!

 So the fucking Pakistani media is burning up. Guests blabbing. graphics grahically depicting graphic things, banners flying. Its crisis time in Pakistan, full scale red alert, flshing fucking code red. More US military strikes? Another hotel explosion?
Think again. The number one news story in Pakitan is that the President of 'Islamic Republic of Pakistan' - during Ramadan, no less - told a good looking woman that she's gorgeous, which she is - and when asked if he'd hake her hand again for the press assembled for a photo up at the UNGA said he'd be willing to hug her instead. And that he understands why America has fallen in love with Sarah Palin. 
Jesus F Christ. 

Meanwhile, the AP reports that suicide attacks have killed 1200 people in Pakistan since July 2007, most civilians and that fighting between Pakistani troops and insurgents in the tribal areas has caused 20,000 Pakistanis to flee into Afghanistan, for fuck's sake. How fuckedup is our country when people think its safer to live in Afghanistan? 
Meanwhile, 'Gorgeous-gate' or 'Hug-gate' or whatever the fuck you want to call it dominates the news in Pakistan.  Zardari's exchange of small take overtakes the blood shed by Pakistanis. And the Pakistani media plays right into the 'scandal'. 
By the way, he said that infront of many media cameras and didnt took her to bed. Just calm the fuck down. Its normal to compliment someone like that. 

Monday, August 18, 2008

general surrenders

Thats what the Pakistani generals have always done. Surrender! But this time its different.  The readers who screw around alot must have heard the expression Pull and Pray. Thats when you are being careless and dont use the condoms. You pull before you ejaculate but later have to pray hard. 
The coalition government did almost the same, but luckily the people's prayers are heard. 
Call it prayers coz generally the generals dont leave their thrones as Mushy had to. Think of 17th of August 1988 when Zia was blown in air. Its 18th of August 2008 when Saudi intelligence chief Muqrin bin Abdul Aziz intervened once again and got Mushy a less shameful exit. 
This time the US wasnt as involved as Saudis. Pakistanis should burn Saudi flags too to keep those bastards out of their business. 

Monday, July 28, 2008

insane clown posse

Look at the happy couple.

It looks like Bush has found a new BFF. Will Mush be jealous?

Following an Oval Office meeting with Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani, Bush called Pakistan "a strong ally and a vibrant democracy" - despite the fact that America backed an unpopular dictator until about 5 minutes ago, but then again Musharraf should be used to getting boned hard and dumped by now.

And then Gilani, who's here trawling for sweet, sweet cash and doesn't want to upset his high roller john, suggested that if a missile strike on Monday had been orchestrated by the U.S., that would be a violation of Pakistan's sovereignty. Well no fucking kidding. Better get used to it bitches.
Meanwhile Barack "Bombs Away" Obama is supposed to meet with Gilani on Tuesday. Maybe to tell him we're going to bomb the fuck out of your country but don't take it personally. We do this out of love. But you can always Hope for Change! Yes We Can!

And be sure to tune in to No Quarter Radio on Friday nights at 10 p.m. ET/7 p.m. PT for more Pakisani rudeness.

Friday, July 25, 2008

look at this

What the hell is he doing.

Ok, he's a christian, his name sounds muslim and now he's out there kissing the wailing wall with a yarmulke on his head and on top of it a rabbi standing right beside him.

i mean, he's fucking confused all the way. don't you think? It's too much!
He must be saying. God, if you are there, and if you aren't muslim, or christian, and finally Jew, please get me to White House. I know i just started in 2004 but i managed myself to get myself here, so please, that's what i want on my CV. The first Black guy who got into the White house.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

times up

If Pakistan were a woman, she'd be a ballbuster. Isn't the conventional wisdom that women usually want a man to stick around after a night of getting fucked hard and listening to stories about how this moment is the real thing? But not Pakistan.

Musharraf has fucked the country hard for the past nine years, and now Pakistan is kicking him out of bed, throwing his pants at him, telling him to get the fuck out and don't call us. Oh, Mushy, you thought you could stay a while longer? You thought you could exit with dignity? Just be grateful you're getting out with your balls intact and while you're still breathing you bastard. And don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Saudi sickness

Fucking Saudis, that's one of the most galling aspects of this food thing. That's being brought on by rising fuel prices among other reasons all the wrong people end up with the money, like the saudis who spend part of it building madrassahs and fucking up countries around the world.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

fans like these

Miss Pakistan World, Mahleej Sarkari was at the 4th largest International beauty pageant in the world. Born in Karachi, but originally from Balochistan, Sarkari currently resides in Toronto where she studied business and now owns her own spa business.
A huge fan of Musharraf, Mahleej echoed that her main aim was to get President Musharraf well known among all the other beauty queens.

Friday, April 11, 2008

hung up their sheet

There's an organization of racists in the US called the Ku Klux Klan. (And theres still one in Pakistan called the MQM). They used to be pretty powerful. (they still are). They were a bunch of Master Race wannabes with half-wit leaders who wore silly outfits made of sheets and claimed white people were in danger of extinction at the hands of blacks, Jews and Catholics. (So are they - read it PPP, PML-N and ANP). They not only infiltrated the law, for decades they WERE the law, particularly in the South, where they entertained themselves by lynching black people and burning shit. (They still do). When an old racist and bigot dies or "retires" in the US, they're said to have "hung up their sheet". (But this asshole hasnt died or resigned).
The klan was broken through a combined effort of an aggressive, critical press; the civil rights movement, and intervention by the FBI and the federal government (while the MQM thrives with the support of the agencies and is given legitimacy by the so-called Pakistani "media", despite efforts by the lawyers movement.)

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

let the beatings begin

Oh yes, It’s a pay back time you jerks. People had enough of your fuckups. Whatever they are doing now, is just democracy, the Pakistani style. And lets be clear here, as mentioned before this is all because of the goddamn president of ours. The pussy, the punk living not in the president house but the army chief’s residence.
These shoe slapping to his cronies are just signals. Soon, Mush himself is going to be everyones favorite bitch and hes gona cry just before getting fucked. And by the fucking way, the lawyers cant do what the agencies can.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

show them

Ya, the flyers and show the "leader of the world" and the rest, that Pakistan actually is:

Federal Information Minister, Sherry Rehman meeting her predecessor.

Newly elected Chief Minister of the NWFP shaking hand with the member of the provincial assembly.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

big pimpin' pak style

We have Richard Boucher and John Negroponte, the high rollers who have always gotten the best whores the brothel has to offer by throwing sweet, sweet dollars around for years, having to go hat in hand to the new Big Pimps in the house only to find that they have to get in line like all the other skanky johns who come off the street.

But their trip wasn't a complete waste. They got a chance to visit "President" Musharraf, the sad old whore no one wants to fuck any more but who's kept around because no one's gotten around to putting her shit in the street yet (but don't worry, it'll happen soon enough).

fate and free will

And now, the picture explains alot. But just a couple of months ago, he was feeling so fuckin' good that he thought hes the king of the motherfuckin' world, and everyone around him was wrong because he just felt so got-damn right.

And because of his cronies he thought hes so fuckin' hot that his cock was three inches bigger than it was. For that reason he had been picking fights with the weakest pussies just so that he could kick some ass and feel so fuckin' good about himself. .

Monday, March 24, 2008

monkeys on top

Remember the joke: An organisation is like a tree full of monkeys - All on different levels, some climbing up, some hanging from the bottom branches.

The monkeys on top look down and see a tree full of smiling faces. The monkeys on the bottom look up and see nothing but assholes.

But its a different when it comes to Parliament in Pakistan.

These monkeys on the top are, assholes themselves, looking up and can see a House full of smiling faces.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

a wise decision

In the given scenario, this is by large a wise decision taken by the PPP to nominate the party VC, Yousaf Raza Gillani as the leader of the house.
The most interesting part is that he will be sworn in as the PM by the very man who presided over his persecution.

There have been alot of discussion on this. Some favored Amin Faheem and some others, criticizing Part co-chair Zardari. It sure has been one of the good decisions taken by the party. Its a fact that Gillani, since hes from the Punjab-Sindh border, will take care of the political issues between the two provinces.

It was believed that the senior leader of the party Amin Fahim was weighing his wings to lead a dissenting group within the party with the support of Pervez Musharraf if he was not elected the Prime Minister.

But its a myth that Amin FAheem has any political or personal influnce on any politician. No ones cares about him in Sindh and outside his hometown. He has been a establishment's blue eyed boy, and no one gives a shit about him within the party and outside the party. So, even he wants to he could go and give it a damn try.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

kick one ass

Musharraf has been using the constitution documents to wipe his ass, telling others “that’s where the legal papers go.” And the new parliament leaders are making it sure this time that he gets all the “papers” up his holes now. Yes, the boys are ready to kick some asses here. Or should we say kick just once big fat ass.

Hell, the man couldn't even rig an election properly. He's definitely off his game. But, reading the comments of American administration officials about Pakistan these days is like trying to make sense of the rantings of a schizoid loonie, or maybe a small child who still believes that fairies exist.

The truth is that the Bushes and Rices of the world prefer to throw good money after bad if there's only one thief and liar acting as a conduit. With so many new players in the game, who can US officials trust to tell them those sweet post-9/11 lies as prettily as Musharraf?

Zardari talked a good game on CNN's opinion pages recently, taking particular umbrage at the thought of international assistance being "diverted" towards "making Pakistan's affluent few richer". Insert your own joke here.

Monday, March 17, 2008

parliament convenes

"I am Musharraf and you are shit" thats what the ex-general used to scream on the top of his lungs a month ago.

Now the new members of the parliament have promised to challenge the US -backed president, Pervez Musharraf, by slashing his powers and reviewing his counterterrorism policies.

- more later

Sunday, March 2, 2008

no we can't

It's time that we stripped away all the screaming and fainting and other insanity and took a look at what The Word Made Flesh means by his campaign slogan "Yes We Can".

Looks like what he's trying to say is "Yes We Can Continue the Insanity of George Bush and Invade Countries That Haven't Attacked the U.S."

It is time to turn the page. When I am President, we will wage the war that has to be won, with a comprehensive strategy with five elements: getting out of Iraq and on to the right battlefield in Afghanistan and Pakistan; developing the capabilities and partnerships we need to take out the terrorists and the world's most deadly weapons; engaging the world to dry up support for terror and extremism; restoring our values; and securing a more resilient homeland.

The first step must be getting off the wrong battlefield in Iraq, and taking the fight to the terrorists in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

It's funny. Bush used almost the exact same justification to invade Iraq. But hey, Obama "opposed" that fiasco. So why not launch a fiasco of his own?

Monday, February 25, 2008

Liar liar....

Our goddamn president says, "I don't think relationships between nations are tied to individuals. There are mutual, national interests that lead to personal relationships. It's not the other way around. It's the mutual interests in the region, especially the fight against terrorism, that has led to our strategic relationship. Now it is broad-based, and long term. So it's an issue-based relationship, which has led to a personal relationship with President [Bush], and I cherish the relationship."

Who are you trying to fool here, you idiot. You cherish the 'sole' relationship not the countrymen. And you still are raping this country coz thier bitch has been running around like a chicken with her head cut off, to save your ass.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Go Musharraf Go

Musharraf's former enablers are hustling him to the exits faster than a john throws an old whore out by the scruff of the neck after he's through being serviced. See if you can spot the talking point:

Senator Joe Biden, "election observer": "I firmly believe if they do not focus on old grudges — and there's plenty in Pakistan — and give him a graceful way to move," then it could happen.

Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison: "If there could be a graceful exit or a way that the parliament and the majority could work its will," that would be a proper transition.

Senator Chuck Hagel, "election" observer: The Pakistani president "wants a graceful way out of this. And I think that's what you'll see. Then it will be up to the coalition government to take on some of these tough challenges."

When your sugar daddy decides you're too worn out and used up to sustain his continued bankrolling of your extravagant lifestyle, you don 't argue - you hit the exits.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

no country for old dictators

Read it old dick-tators, coz all of them are. And when we talk about dicks, must not forget about the American one. A total dick head. Bush and Musharraf have something common. They're both hated by not only their people but also people around the world.

These results must have Bush and his flunkies' panties in a bunch. Contrary to propaganda, the religious parties lost. The nuclear weapons are safe. Their personal bitch's party not only lost but got their asses whipped in their own constituencies.

Worse of all, the Pakistani people braved danger, violence, intimidation and corruption and cast their votes. And there's nothing undemocratic assholes like Bush and his party hate more than one man/woman, one vote.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

kings men goneee

All the King's men gone. Musharraf’s political allies, the PML-Q, got kick up their ass. What was that joke around:

Teil diyo cycle di chein nu
niklo Chodriyo tuhadi behen nu..

Monday, February 18, 2008

pro or anti Musharraf

'What the fuck!', 'how the hell did this happen!' Thats what hes thinking, isnt it? His pants must be wet. A big 'fuck you, asshole!' from the people of Pakistan. These elecitons are a decision between pro-or anti-Musharraf.

A rude friend once wrote a case of a rape trial. Let's say there's this woman. She is a skanky bitch whore who likes to fuck men and then leave them cold, alone, and flaccid. She loves the cock. She’ll fuck everyone as long as she gets her fill of cock. Everyone who sees her knows she's heading for HIV or worse some day.
However, she gets checked, like clockwork, every few months, so she can go forth and fuck some more. But let's say that one night she's kidnapped and drugged and a train is run on her by about thirty guys who, when she's bleeding, begging, sore, and weeping, keep beating and fucking her. And, slut that she is, takes her tired, semen-stained, broken body to the hospital where she is helped to file charges against her assailants.
They are arrested, which is satisfying, but a couple of cock-free months later, she discovers that she has HIV. At the trial, the defense are chomping at the bit to talk about her sexual history; they wanna show that shes nothing more than a cock monger who finally fucked herself into oblivion.
The judge at the trial allows that evidence, and, when the prosecutors tell the judge that she has HIV from the rape, after all the years of fucking, the judge says, "What's the difference?"

In this case, yeah, Musharraf's Q-league is that bitch. One way or the other, they had to lose. The bastard knew it. But the credit goes to General Kiyani who made sure that these polls take place.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

mother of all...

Remember the year 1991, Saddam Hussein declaring the Gulf war as the "Mother of all Battles".

And after 17 years, Musharraf declared the upcoming elections as the "Mother of all elections". Which should give everyone the idea that there is going to be a rigging you could call as mother of all riggings.

He said he believed in true democracy. Well, fuck you very much then. Didnt you dismissed the troublesome judiciary, sent police to beat the lawyers who weren't happy about the country's "president" turning the courts into a whorehouse stocked with the owner/pimp's favorite hookers?

Oh yes, there'll be democracy in Pakistan on February 18th, if by "democracy" you mean jailing and killing your opponents and getting the thugs under your command to stuff ballot boxes and having your personal bitches "monitor" the polling places.

Sure, that's some mighty fine democracy. Just ask Hosni Mubarak. He'd agree. And by the way, call that "democarcy" as the "mother of all democracies." Bush would agree.

Monday, February 4, 2008

sadness prevails

Here are some excerpts from the book as printed in The Sunday Times, which relate to Benazir's fateful return to Pakistan and the first attack on her procession..The much-anticipated book by Benazir Bhotto - Reconciliation: Islam, Democracy, and the West - is to be released soon.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

dou teen tika deyn

This is his finger that this guy took up his own ass, when Dawn News correspondent Ziauddin questioned the official version of Rashid Rauf's escape from prison. Its amazing what a little finger could do to a dictator, especially when its his own.

Listen to this audio from his speech and feel his pain, damnit!

"agar us ko do teen tika bhi dain to acha hai" (if you slap him around two or three times that would be good), he said while pulling his pants up and asking the audience to confront such unpatriotic elements , yes you can, and why not, wonder if his blood was on his finger. Hurtfull, isnt it?

So, his act of taking his finger up his ass, has been claimed a National Interest. Yes, let's keep the national interest first and the truth be damned!

How about slapping him around three or four times, slapping people who made Rashid Rauf disappear, how about slappiing people who suspended the Judges and the constitution, toppled the political government, imposed emergency, killed human rights activists and murdered political leaders?

Thursday, January 17, 2008

friends like these?

What a vicious bunch of motherfuckers. Looks like they have been banging eachother. Apparently Geroge Bush has wrapped his tour to the Middle East. After wasting in making 'deals' with people as stupid and ignorant as he himself. Its interesting that US presidents get nicer to the Arabs towards the end of their term, when they have less to lose at home by doing so.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

all about oiliferation

Isnt it for the oil, that this stupid leader of the world is dressed like a whore? What possible could he do with that oil? Lets think, and the only act from a person like Bush is: open his anus to the Saudi pump.

Man, oil apparently is some kind of drug that eliminates conscience, consistency, and coherence, and forces you to bend over. And, by the way, asking them to consider the prices is just like a hooker asking for a sweet and slow fuck and no beatings during that.

meet the fuckers

World would be a peaceful place if these two arnt there. There will be no Al-Qaeda, Taliban, Mullah Umer, Gen Musharraf, Osama bin Ladin, if these two arnt there. There will be no war in Iraq or Iran and no influnce on any political government or support of military dictatorships, if these two arnt there.

One of them said, there ought to be a limit to Freedom, and the second one made sure of that. To keep the facts straight: 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudi in 9/11 attacks, about four out of every five detainees in American detention centers are Sunni Arabs.

And a briefing in Aug 2002 to a top Pentagon advisory board described Saudi Arabia as an enemy of the United States, and recommended that US officials give it an ultimatum to stop backing terrorism or face seizure of its oil fields and its financial assets invested in the United States.

And Bush is sitting with Saudi dictator enjoying his tea and watching Horse race, while the whole world is burning in flames. They are the kernels of evil, the prime movers, the most dangerous fuckers on the face of the earth.