Remember the year 1991, Saddam Hussein declaring the Gulf war as the "Mother of all Battles".
And after 17 years, Musharraf declared the upcoming elections as the "Mother of all elections". Which should give everyone the idea that there is going to be a rigging you could call as mother of all riggings.
He said he believed in true democracy. Well, fuck you very much then. Didnt you dismissed the troublesome judiciary, sent police to beat the lawyers who weren't happy about the country's "president" turning the courts into a whorehouse stocked with the owner/pimp's favorite hookers?
Oh yes, there'll be democracy in Pakistan on February 18th, if by "democracy" you mean jailing and killing your opponents and getting the thugs under your command to stuff ballot boxes and having your personal bitches "monitor" the polling places.
Sure, that's some mighty fine democracy. Just ask Hosni Mubarak. He'd agree. And by the way, call that "democarcy" as the "mother of all democracies." Bush would agree.