In the given scenario, this is by large a wise decision taken by the PPP to nominate the party VC, Yousaf Raza Gillani as the leader of the house.
The most interesting part is that he will be sworn in as the PM by the very man who presided over his persecution.
There have been alot of discussion on this. Some favored Amin Faheem and some others, criticizing Part co-chair Zardari. It sure has been one of the good decisions taken by the party. Its a fact that Gillani, since hes from the Punjab-Sindh border, will take care of the political issues between the two provinces.
It was believed that the senior leader of the party Amin Fahim was weighing his wings to lead a dissenting group within the party with the support of Pervez Musharraf if he was not elected the Prime Minister.
But its a myth that Amin FAheem has any political or personal influnce on any politician. No ones cares about him in Sindh and outside his hometown. He has been a establishment's blue eyed boy, and no one gives a shit about him within the party and outside the party. So, even he wants to he could go and give it a damn try.