There's an organization of racists in the US called the Ku Klux Klan. (And theres still one in Pakistan called the MQM). They used to be pretty powerful. (they still are). They were a bunch of Master Race wannabes with half-wit leaders who wore silly outfits made of sheets and claimed white people were in danger of extinction at the hands of blacks, Jews and Catholics. (So are they - read it PPP, PML-N and ANP). They not only infiltrated the law, for decades they WERE the law, particularly in the South, where they entertained themselves by lynching black people and burning shit. (They still do). When an old racist and bigot dies or "retires" in the US, they're said to have "hung up their sheet". (But this asshole hasnt died or resigned).
The klan was broken through a combined effort of an aggressive, critical press; the civil rights movement, and intervention by the FBI and the federal government (while the MQM thrives with the support of the agencies and is given legitimacy by the so-called Pakistani "media", despite efforts by the lawyers movement.)
The klan was broken through a combined effort of an aggressive, critical press; the civil rights movement, and intervention by the FBI and the federal government (while the MQM thrives with the support of the agencies and is given legitimacy by the so-called Pakistani "media", despite efforts by the lawyers movement.)