It isn’t just that the U.S. can’t keep its mouth shut on the issue of Pakistan. It’s that every time any American with any influence opens his or her mouth, the memory of Benazir Bhutto is disgraced further, the Pakistan people insulted and infantilized by the views of so-called “leaders”.
Consider President Bush’s official statement on the murder:
"The United States strongly condemns this cowardly act by murderous extremists who are trying to undermine Pakistan's democracy."
Only the Bush administration would consider a regime that jails opposition leaders, justices opposed to the Musharraf regime and smothers the press under draconian restrictions as constituting “democracy”. Perhaps Bush eyes Musharraf with jealous eyes, wishing he had the power to do the same. The administration's tepid response to Musharraf's tyranny was a clear signal to the rogue dictator that they would regard the mere posturing and pretense of democracy that he was offering as a true representation of a legitimate democratic process -- as long as their dictator prevailed. The presidential candidates aren’t covering themselves in glory either.
What’s the response? If only those out of control Muslims appreciated what they had, we wouldn’t be in this mess.
Mitt Romey (R-Forget My Religion Has Been Vilified by My Fellow Americans): I think what's happened in Pakistan has made more clear in the mind of the American public and perhaps some of our Democratic colleagues as well that what we're dealing with in the global war on terror, this war against violent Jihadism, is not just an effort in Iraq or even extended to Afghanistan, but this is a worldwide effort on the part of violent Jihadists who have as the their intent the collapse of all nations, Islamic as well as Western."
Rudy Giuliani (R-I Was the Mayor of New York During 9/11): Her death is a reminder that terrorism anywhere — whether in New York, London, Tel-Aviv or Rawalpindi — is an enemy of freedom. We must redouble our efforts to win the Terrorists’ War on Us. Showing great sensitivity to the suffering of bleeding Pakistan, batshit insane Mike Huckabee, (R-Christian Fundamentalists): ..We have more Pakistani illegals coming across our border than all other nationalities except those immediately south of the border, and in light of what is happening in Pakistan it ought to give us pause as to why are so many illegals coming across these borders.” He later corrected his statement,but only after a flood of negative press.
The Democrats haven’t covering themselves in glory. Hillary Clinton (D-Enabler): “I'm not calling for him (Musharraf) to step down.”
John Edwards (D-Did You Know I Met with Benazir Bhutto in Abu Dhabi?): “I spoke to President Musharraf…and urged him to continue the democratization process.” Barack Obama (D-Let’s Bomb The Fuck Out of Them): Musharraf’s first order of business should be to extend his sympathy to the Bhutto family.
And yes, the Dems support the idea of “outside investigators” coming in to figure out what happened, like the new sheriff striding into town in High Noon. What bullshit. What an unrealistic solution. How safe. How cowardly.
Meanwhile, there’s a conscious effort to avoid the third rail of this horrible tragedy: That the murder of Benazir Bhutto was an inside job.
With friends like these, do the Pakistani people need enemies?
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Jiye Bhutto
Its so fucking hard to believe what has happened to us. Need to get over this situation first and then will post something. It is a great loss. Its not just Benazir, it was the idea, the thought, the movement, the liberalism, the real thing. and its gone, and its over.
- more later. or i will try to post something later. by the way, the international reaction and especially the American one has been so fucking disgusting.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Charlie Wilson's war
Oscar stars werent ashamed enabling the canonization of Wilson, neither were the critics.
Fact is that, Charlie Wilson was a drunken, drug-using whoremonger who used his office to stir the pot in Afghanistan, falling back on the hackneyed premise that communism was somehow worse than putting weapons into the hands of fanatics.
Not surprisingly, Washington Post too portrayed Wilson as a lovable rogue who did the right thing for the wrong reasons. Or the wrong thing for the right reasons. Or something.
Let’s cut to the chase: This man’s intrigues and self-styled Lawrence of Arabia-style buffoonery led directly to the Taliban seizing control of Afghanistan and the rise of Osama bin Laden, so you could say that his actions led to not only 9/11 but the “Talibanization” of Pakistan as well.
Even the US press continues to fawn and cluck over Charlie’s lovable bad boy antics while ignoring the geopolitical havoc he wreaked.
And you’d think that Charlie of Kabul might feel a sense of responsibility for the hell he unleashed by poking his nose in where it never belonged, or at least a sense of shame. But you’d be oh so wrong.
Fact is that, Charlie Wilson was a drunken, drug-using whoremonger who used his office to stir the pot in Afghanistan, falling back on the hackneyed premise that communism was somehow worse than putting weapons into the hands of fanatics.
Not surprisingly, Washington Post too portrayed Wilson as a lovable rogue who did the right thing for the wrong reasons. Or the wrong thing for the right reasons. Or something.
Let’s cut to the chase: This man’s intrigues and self-styled Lawrence of Arabia-style buffoonery led directly to the Taliban seizing control of Afghanistan and the rise of Osama bin Laden, so you could say that his actions led to not only 9/11 but the “Talibanization” of Pakistan as well.
Even the US press continues to fawn and cluck over Charlie’s lovable bad boy antics while ignoring the geopolitical havoc he wreaked.
And you’d think that Charlie of Kabul might feel a sense of responsibility for the hell he unleashed by poking his nose in where it never belonged, or at least a sense of shame. But you’d be oh so wrong.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Sunday, December 9, 2007
pop quiz everyone:
Which country’s history is being described in the following paragraph?
Democratic governments were more often than not interrupted by military. The last military dictatorship…justified its actions (illegal detentions, forced disappearances, torture and summary executions) as necessary for the suppression of terrorism.
Pakistan? No. Argentina, 1976 – 1983. The sixth and last military dictatorship in that country’s history in the 20th century. The period during which the “Dirty War” (a polite way of describing a government butchering its own citizens) took place.
The period when all rights were repealed, when the judiciary rolled over to have its tummy scratched by the generals, when so-called “subversives” were arrested without warrant, tortured, thrown alive out of airplanes, or if they were among the fortunate were mercifully shot in the head and dumped in a mass grave.
Thanks to these guardians of the Republic, between 9,000 – 30,000 men, women and children disappeared, depending on whose numbers you believe.
So what happened to end this horror? The ruling generals screwed utterly in their attempt to turn the public’s attention away from these grotesque injustices and economic problems by picking a fight with England over a shitty group of islands called the Falklands, where the sheep outnumbered the human population.
Argentina’s loss proved conclusively that the army, while excelling at killing unarmed civilians, was not too great at waging “war”. Within a year the generals were gone, with the newly elected democratic government establishing a national commission to investigate the mass disappearances.
Forensic researchers, aided by students, dug up mass graves, sometimes only with spoons, to identify remains. Trials were convened to hold the killers responsible.
Happy days.
So what about Pakistan?

Unlike their Argentine counterparts, segments of Pakistani society are saying “fuck you” to the generals’ faces.
Argentina’s lawyers never took to the streets to protest the suspension of rule of law.
There was no need to arrest anyone in the judiciary. None of the judges complained.
But in order to re-establish the rule of law, what was true in Argentina holds for Pakistan: The generals must go.
It’s time for Pakistan to say what Argentines finally said after six military governments:
Basta. Enough.
Democratic governments were more often than not interrupted by military. The last military dictatorship…justified its actions (illegal detentions, forced disappearances, torture and summary executions) as necessary for the suppression of terrorism.
Pakistan? No. Argentina, 1976 – 1983. The sixth and last military dictatorship in that country’s history in the 20th century. The period during which the “Dirty War” (a polite way of describing a government butchering its own citizens) took place.
The period when all rights were repealed, when the judiciary rolled over to have its tummy scratched by the generals, when so-called “subversives” were arrested without warrant, tortured, thrown alive out of airplanes, or if they were among the fortunate were mercifully shot in the head and dumped in a mass grave.
Thanks to these guardians of the Republic, between 9,000 – 30,000 men, women and children disappeared, depending on whose numbers you believe.
So what happened to end this horror? The ruling generals screwed utterly in their attempt to turn the public’s attention away from these grotesque injustices and economic problems by picking a fight with England over a shitty group of islands called the Falklands, where the sheep outnumbered the human population.
Argentina’s loss proved conclusively that the army, while excelling at killing unarmed civilians, was not too great at waging “war”. Within a year the generals were gone, with the newly elected democratic government establishing a national commission to investigate the mass disappearances.
Forensic researchers, aided by students, dug up mass graves, sometimes only with spoons, to identify remains. Trials were convened to hold the killers responsible.
Happy days.
So what about Pakistan?

Unlike their Argentine counterparts, segments of Pakistani society are saying “fuck you” to the generals’ faces.
Argentina’s lawyers never took to the streets to protest the suspension of rule of law.
There was no need to arrest anyone in the judiciary. None of the judges complained.
But in order to re-establish the rule of law, what was true in Argentina holds for Pakistan: The generals must go.
It’s time for Pakistan to say what Argentines finally said after six military governments:
Basta. Enough.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
with many withouts
After shedding his military uniform that he notoriously claimed to be his skin, Pervaz Musarraf took the oath of office as the thirteenth president of Pakistan, pledging to "preserve and defend" the Constitution. But which constitution is he referring to? If his oath is to "preserve and defend" the Constitution of Pakistan that he himself has suspended, then doesn't such pledge bring this hypocrisy into the open?
Theres another paradox: Here is a President without a parliament. Doesn't his "election" by the expiring parliament raise a plethora of legal and constitutional questions about its legitimacy? By violating the letter and spirit of the Constitution, and by savagely sacking the higher judiciary, he got himself elected by an outgoing parliament, which has no power to elect a new president.
Then the so- called chief justice, who administered Musharraf's oath, did not himself take the oath of office under the Constitution of Pakistan; rather he took oath under the PCO. Isn't his elevation to this position the product of Musharraf's flagrantly illegal and unconstitutional dismissal of the higher judiciary?
Theres another paradox: Here is a President without a parliament. Doesn't his "election" by the expiring parliament raise a plethora of legal and constitutional questions about its legitimacy? By violating the letter and spirit of the Constitution, and by savagely sacking the higher judiciary, he got himself elected by an outgoing parliament, which has no power to elect a new president.
Then the so- called chief justice, who administered Musharraf's oath, did not himself take the oath of office under the Constitution of Pakistan; rather he took oath under the PCO. Isn't his elevation to this position the product of Musharraf's flagrantly illegal and unconstitutional dismissal of the higher judiciary?
Monday, November 26, 2007
sharifs back this time

Check this out: if United MPL under the leadership of Nawaz or one of his family member gets ‘elected’ and forms a government with Musharraf as head of the state. Why did the people suffer for eight years, this military-political parties-administration troika.
A well planned exit and a well planned entry. What a joke that was when Nawaz tried to return back on a national carrier and sent back to Saudia. But this time, he came with all his family, all his stuff in a Royal plane. The troika is once again trying to fool the people, eh?
A well planned exit and a well planned entry. What a joke that was when Nawaz tried to return back on a national carrier and sent back to Saudia. But this time, he came with all his family, all his stuff in a Royal plane. The troika is once again trying to fool the people, eh?
The bitter rivalry and poor judgment of Benazir and Nawaz Sharif in the nineties actually lent legitimacy to Musharraf’s coup, and we are going to witness this all over again.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
return deal?

Did you ever realize in the realm of your so-called patriotism, what a sick society we are living in. The latest disaster in the country has actually made us think that fundamentally nothing has changed over the course of past few decades. Like - its just two goddamn ‘leaders’ trying to rule the country, with the help or support of army, damn.
A rotten mess all over again. They took away our right of rule from us, didn’t they?
A rotten mess all over again. They took away our right of rule from us, didn’t they?
Monday, November 19, 2007
election ahead?

Sure, we all know that Musharraf thinks and says stupid things all the time. And we should really be worried whenever he talks about something that he claims he's been thinking on (if by "thinking," you mean, "talking to people smarter than him"). These are the things the man does after he claims he's thought through all the possibilities; still, no matter how much thought he gives it, the outcome is hopelessly predictable. Beyond what he thinks about, the truly frightening and just plain wrong shit that comes from his mouth is the shit he's planned to say. And for sure, the generals dont think anything.
Friday, November 16, 2007
sala ek general
what a treat this is. salute to you comrade!
- more later on Mullah and Military
- more later on Mullah and Military
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Portrait: as foolish men
Man seriously, i couldnt stop myself.

At the State Dinner: "Americans will support the Pakistani people as they take further steps toward democracy, expand educational opportunities for boys and girls, and create prosperity through innovation and global trade.
Pakistan has a bright future because of its proud people, and because of the hard work of a strong leader. President Musharraf, you've proved yourself to be a man of courage and vision."
At the Joint Press Conference: "We support democracy in Pakistan. President Musharraf understands that in the long run, the way to defeat terrorists is to replace an ideology of hatred with an ideology of hope.
And I thank you for your extensive briefing today on your plans to spread freedom throughout your country. President Musharraf envisions a modern state that provides an alternative to radicalism."
Standing next to Bush, President Musharraf said, "I will follow constitutional norms. Even now I am following constitutional norms where I have been allowed to wear this uniform until 2007 -- being in uniform as the President of Pakistan. Beyond 2007, yes, indeed, this is an issue which has to be addressed and it has to be addressed according to the constitution of Pakistan. And I will never violate the constitution of Pakistan."
On September 22, 2006, in a joint press conference in DC, President Bush comments, "We talked about democracy. The last time I was with the President, he assured me, and assured the people that were listening to the news conference, that there would be free and fair elections in Pakistan in 2007. He renewed that commitment, because he understands that the best way to defeat radicalism and extremism is to give people a chance to participate in the political process of a nation."
And, of course, inevitably, President Bush on November 5, 2007: "President Musharraf has been a strong fighter against extremists and radicals, that he understands the dangers posed by radicals and extremists. After all, they tried to kill him three or four times. And our hope is that he will restore democracy as quickly as possible."
There's not a goddamn thing that Bush believes or promises that has or will ever been or be true. And same goes for General Musharraf, by the way.

At the State Dinner: "Americans will support the Pakistani people as they take further steps toward democracy, expand educational opportunities for boys and girls, and create prosperity through innovation and global trade.
Pakistan has a bright future because of its proud people, and because of the hard work of a strong leader. President Musharraf, you've proved yourself to be a man of courage and vision."
At the Joint Press Conference: "We support democracy in Pakistan. President Musharraf understands that in the long run, the way to defeat terrorists is to replace an ideology of hatred with an ideology of hope.
And I thank you for your extensive briefing today on your plans to spread freedom throughout your country. President Musharraf envisions a modern state that provides an alternative to radicalism."
Standing next to Bush, President Musharraf said, "I will follow constitutional norms. Even now I am following constitutional norms where I have been allowed to wear this uniform until 2007 -- being in uniform as the President of Pakistan. Beyond 2007, yes, indeed, this is an issue which has to be addressed and it has to be addressed according to the constitution of Pakistan. And I will never violate the constitution of Pakistan."
On September 22, 2006, in a joint press conference in DC, President Bush comments, "We talked about democracy. The last time I was with the President, he assured me, and assured the people that were listening to the news conference, that there would be free and fair elections in Pakistan in 2007. He renewed that commitment, because he understands that the best way to defeat radicalism and extremism is to give people a chance to participate in the political process of a nation."
And, of course, inevitably, President Bush on November 5, 2007: "President Musharraf has been a strong fighter against extremists and radicals, that he understands the dangers posed by radicals and extremists. After all, they tried to kill him three or four times. And our hope is that he will restore democracy as quickly as possible."
There's not a goddamn thing that Bush believes or promises that has or will ever been or be true. And same goes for General Musharraf, by the way.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
hours of lies
Here's what we've learned in the last 90 hours or so, none of it terribly surprising but in the aggregate quite frightening. We've learned there's different kinds of lies:
The Advocate General was ordered to lie about everything related to, you know, elections. He was a complicit pussy for all these months, anyway.
Then the new CJ lied. He declared the anti-emergency judgment as void.
BB lied to the nation again. She has so far issued no call to protest.
And the biggest lies of all, Musharraf’s uttered a bunch of shit in his speech. He lied accusing the SC of taking the side of ‘extremists and terrorists’ and interfering in government matters.
The main reason given was thee attacks on the state administration and the security agencies through judicial interference. Well, thats why they are suppose to do, dont they?
So here we are: the AG, the CJ, the COAS, all lying to us. We've got a military government that is actually functioning to bring harm to its citizens.
The Advocate General was ordered to lie about everything related to, you know, elections. He was a complicit pussy for all these months, anyway.
Then the new CJ lied. He declared the anti-emergency judgment as void.
BB lied to the nation again. She has so far issued no call to protest.
And the biggest lies of all, Musharraf’s uttered a bunch of shit in his speech. He lied accusing the SC of taking the side of ‘extremists and terrorists’ and interfering in government matters.
The main reason given was thee attacks on the state administration and the security agencies through judicial interference. Well, thats why they are suppose to do, dont they?
So here we are: the AG, the CJ, the COAS, all lying to us. We've got a military government that is actually functioning to bring harm to its citizens.
Monday, November 5, 2007
dial M for Military
Isnt it interesting that every political person so far has been arrested but the PP leaders including the chairperson. They have cut the deal again and father must be rolling in his grave. The political workers were beaten hard everywhere, but BB could hold press conferences and deliver her pissy statements. At Bilawal House, she criticised emergency rule but did not hint at agitation to protest it. “We believe in a peaceful democratic struggle for a smooth transition to democracy,” she said.
If we have to sum up the performances, it would be thus: Musharraf ruffled, Nawaz Sharif collected, Condoleezza Rice critically apologetic and BB commanding.
If we have to sum up the performances, it would be thus: Musharraf ruffled, Nawaz Sharif collected, Condoleezza Rice critically apologetic and BB commanding.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
emergency imposed
Its simple that a motherfucker, fucks mothers. Even if presented with a choice to fuck something else he will always do some motherfucking.
It's coz hes a motherfucker, and he will do it anywhere he pleases. Sure, someone will try to tell him that it's time to stop fucking, but that's not who he is. It's not like all of a sudden hes gonna stop fucking mothers.
Maybe, once in a while he thinks that everyone realizes how much he fucks, he will do some secret fucking of mothers. Instead of just announcing to the world that hes gonna fuck this mother, he’s gona do it on the down-low so everyone thinks hes stopped fucking. That way, if no one asks and if no one checks things out, he can safely fuck a mother.
But if someone pushes him back and tries to stop him, he will suspend everything, just so that he could fuck.
Bottom line, a motherfucker got to do, what a mothertfucker got to do.
It's coz hes a motherfucker, and he will do it anywhere he pleases. Sure, someone will try to tell him that it's time to stop fucking, but that's not who he is. It's not like all of a sudden hes gonna stop fucking mothers.
Maybe, once in a while he thinks that everyone realizes how much he fucks, he will do some secret fucking of mothers. Instead of just announcing to the world that hes gonna fuck this mother, he’s gona do it on the down-low so everyone thinks hes stopped fucking. That way, if no one asks and if no one checks things out, he can safely fuck a mother.
But if someone pushes him back and tries to stop him, he will suspend everything, just so that he could fuck.
Bottom line, a motherfucker got to do, what a mothertfucker got to do.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
question of price
I remember some friends discussing the return of Sharif or BB, and how crucial it was for the country. One of the brains always rejected the idea, by justyfing it that why a weasel fucker like Musharraf would go for anyone else when he has his own bitches.
Which makes sense, especially when his cronies display hubris, arrogance, assholishness on an almost daily basis.
Thing is that, everything they do is designed so they can say, "we did this" even if the ‘this’ is nothing more than a nod in the direction that something exists.
With Nawas Sharif going out-coming back-leaving again and now BB coming in - leaving again. The idea that hits you is simple.
In the end, its a question of which whore would you rather fuck?
The whore with the slightest remaining bit of self-respect who won't do double penetration or scat sex? Or the diseased, scabby whores who'll let you do anything to her, for cheap?
A whore is a whore; it’s just a question of price.
Which makes sense, especially when his cronies display hubris, arrogance, assholishness on an almost daily basis.
Thing is that, everything they do is designed so they can say, "we did this" even if the ‘this’ is nothing more than a nod in the direction that something exists.
With Nawas Sharif going out-coming back-leaving again and now BB coming in - leaving again. The idea that hits you is simple.
In the end, its a question of which whore would you rather fuck?
The whore with the slightest remaining bit of self-respect who won't do double penetration or scat sex? Or the diseased, scabby whores who'll let you do anything to her, for cheap?
A whore is a whore; it’s just a question of price.
a lil thing
And history makes fun of its victims
And its heroes
Takes a look at them and passes by
This sea is mine
This moist air is mine
And my name-
Even if I spell it wrong on the coffin –
Is mine
As for me,
Now that I am filled with all the possible
Reasons for departure –
I am not mine
- (Mural)
And its heroes
Takes a look at them and passes by
This sea is mine
This moist air is mine
And my name-
Even if I spell it wrong on the coffin –
Is mine
As for me,
Now that I am filled with all the possible
Reasons for departure –
I am not mine
- (Mural)
Monday, October 22, 2007
give democracy a chance
Democracy is like sex - the messier it is, the better. There are few things as blandly dissatisfying as crisp, clean boinking, a nipple twist, a finish with a towel handy. Sure, you get off, but its meaningless.
Now, if you start with warm massage oil and, eight sweaty positions later, you end up exhausted in a puddle of all kinds of sticky or slick fluids, celebrating the possible combinations of cocks, cunts, assholes, mouths, and fingers, well, you might have experienced something close to cramping. Either way, you're gonna know you've been fucking. But if its not democracy, you haven’t been fucking at all, and infact you would realize that you were actually being screwed, upside down.
Real democracy is about challenging the powerful, calling out the liars, and encouraging dissent, knowing that these are things that strengthen the nation. But its just democracy, which can't even get a chance these days.
Now, if you start with warm massage oil and, eight sweaty positions later, you end up exhausted in a puddle of all kinds of sticky or slick fluids, celebrating the possible combinations of cocks, cunts, assholes, mouths, and fingers, well, you might have experienced something close to cramping. Either way, you're gonna know you've been fucking. But if its not democracy, you haven’t been fucking at all, and infact you would realize that you were actually being screwed, upside down.
Real democracy is about challenging the powerful, calling out the liars, and encouraging dissent, knowing that these are things that strengthen the nation. But its just democracy, which can't even get a chance these days.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
BB's return
Jayaley sacrified goats, whereas the angencies decided to sacrify more than 150 innocent people to celebrate her return. No leader has ever been welcomed this way. And lets be clear, in the larger scheme of things, whether people are with PML - N or PPP, nothing matters. But just the power.
- more later
- more later
Monday, October 15, 2007
way they work
It’s not more than a pro to the army, lead by an asshole, now. And, that's the way assholes work, whether on the street or in the presidential office. An asshole says he's gonna do it his way and if you don't wanna do it his way, you go fuck yourself. And if you're a real asshole, and someone threatens you, you usually say something like, "Bring it on."
When did we become such a nation of assholes? Led by the kind of jerk-off whose ass we always wanted to kick or see kicked out in the playground or behind the bar? Instead, we allow, without so much as a whimper, our "elected" leaders to represent us by behaving like bullies.
Our democracy is all about pimp-slapping the constitution. "58-2-B, you keep your head down and lick the army boots, bitch" they say, slamming constitution against a wall and holding it by its neck as we slap its face back and forth. "That's right, bitch. You best listen to me. Now, get out there and get on your knees."
When did we become such a nation of assholes? Led by the kind of jerk-off whose ass we always wanted to kick or see kicked out in the playground or behind the bar? Instead, we allow, without so much as a whimper, our "elected" leaders to represent us by behaving like bullies.
Our democracy is all about pimp-slapping the constitution. "58-2-B, you keep your head down and lick the army boots, bitch" they say, slamming constitution against a wall and holding it by its neck as we slap its face back and forth. "That's right, bitch. You best listen to me. Now, get out there and get on your knees."
Thursday, October 11, 2007
killing the civilians
Bombing civilians and especially the kids help capture the terrorist is the only aim of the military in the country now.
The sufferings of innocents. The people who knew nothing, why they have been attacked and killed. And then children, man. Always bearing the burdens of the moral failings of the grown-ups. We beat them, starve them, burn them, put them and now kill them all.
How a badly person or a nation treats its own or other kids says a lot about how fucked up that person or nation is. And all indications right now are that Pakistan's all in drain now.
The military in the country, do nothing but just bomb some shithole village in a misguided effort to find a state protected ‘terrorist’, who wasn’t there in the first place or left before the attacks.
The sufferings of innocents. The people who knew nothing, why they have been attacked and killed. And then children, man. Always bearing the burdens of the moral failings of the grown-ups. We beat them, starve them, burn them, put them and now kill them all.
How a badly person or a nation treats its own or other kids says a lot about how fucked up that person or nation is. And all indications right now are that Pakistan's all in drain now.
The military in the country, do nothing but just bomb some shithole village in a misguided effort to find a state protected ‘terrorist’, who wasn’t there in the first place or left before the attacks.
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
whores’ Ordinance
The whores have decided that it’s the right time to have an Ordinance. Yes, the whores had themselves a big agreement. Doesnt matter if its an act that could be most offensive to the democracy and the people. You are dealing with whores here.
They basically started from three points and ended up at this one: that all the whores who didn’t pay service to the customers against the money they took will be forbidden. 'They could have the money, all the money.'
The Ordinance points out that whores wont limit the size of foreign objects that could be shoved into their twats and assholes. 'There should be any standards.' As for the enforcement of their new rules, some of the whores proposed that they will provide all the bodyguards and security to their colleagues.
Some are bitching that other regulations should also be passed, but the chief whore is happy enough on the small step taken.
They basically started from three points and ended up at this one: that all the whores who didn’t pay service to the customers against the money they took will be forbidden. 'They could have the money, all the money.'
The Ordinance points out that whores wont limit the size of foreign objects that could be shoved into their twats and assholes. 'There should be any standards.' As for the enforcement of their new rules, some of the whores proposed that they will provide all the bodyguards and security to their colleagues.
Some are bitching that other regulations should also be passed, but the chief whore is happy enough on the small step taken.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
accord finalized to do .....
Remember the famous quote, that there are only two parties in Pakistan, the Peoples part and the Pakistan Army. Now these two have decided to merge and will rape the constitution, the country and the people together. The points of the agreements arnt disclosed yet, and will never be, by the way, but at the end they basically are just two:
They are too fucking blind with the power they have and they are just plain goddamned non-civilian and undemocratic.
Jeez, at some point doesn't all this have to come crashing down? All of this lying, cheating, and greed? Seriously, we arnt left with any shred of self-respect, decency, and moral or any politcial good.
They are too fucking blind with the power they have and they are just plain goddamned non-civilian and undemocratic.
Jeez, at some point doesn't all this have to come crashing down? All of this lying, cheating, and greed? Seriously, we arnt left with any shred of self-respect, decency, and moral or any politcial good.
Monday, October 1, 2007
in the name of Buddha
Seriously, the extremists who tried to destroy the valuable image of the Gandhara era, the world's second largest Bhudda stone, should be prosecuted for Genocide. Period.
They tried to blowup the marks of our civilization. Stupid followers of so-called muslim rulers, or i should say intruders, who did nothing but build mosques.
The evidence of stone age human inhabitants of Gandhara, including stone tools and burnt bones, were discovered from Mardan. The artifacts are approximately 15,000 years old. This ancient history explains alot about our roots, and if thier Islam and emaan are so in danger, they should fuck themselves off to Saudi Arabia may be.
They tried to blowup the marks of our civilization. Stupid followers of so-called muslim rulers, or i should say intruders, who did nothing but build mosques.
The evidence of stone age human inhabitants of Gandhara, including stone tools and burnt bones, were discovered from Mardan. The artifacts are approximately 15,000 years old. This ancient history explains alot about our roots, and if thier Islam and emaan are so in danger, they should fuck themselves off to Saudi Arabia may be.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Monks take the lead
You mullah, you should be really ashamed of yourselves. Look at this, even the cutest and most innocent people on the face of the earth, the Monks have decided to stoodup against the goddamn generals.
We are not even close to Burma coz of you bitches. They may have reached the tipping point, but what is worrying about the situation in Pakistan is that no matter how one decides to resolve the crises it faces, the country gets propelled down the road of self-destruction. And the reason besides the Army are you people. You cant afford to resign, and even if you do, well then you have been assigned to do so, you bitches.
The resignations are not enough to pose a legal or numerical problem for the general's re-election - and will in fact make it easier for him to demonstrate a clearer margin of parliamentary support.
We are not even close to Burma coz of you bitches. They may have reached the tipping point, but what is worrying about the situation in Pakistan is that no matter how one decides to resolve the crises it faces, the country gets propelled down the road of self-destruction. And the reason besides the Army are you people. You cant afford to resign, and even if you do, well then you have been assigned to do so, you bitches.
The resignations are not enough to pose a legal or numerical problem for the general's re-election - and will in fact make it easier for him to demonstrate a clearer margin of parliamentary support.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Another name in the list...
Jeez, heres another name in the list of motherfuckers and son of a bitch, Ahmed Raza Kasuri. People knew this fact, but Kasuri proved himself again and gained his name in the top 5.
The country witnessed this motherfucker on the public television losing his mind and shit. Just watch this, when the audience shouted 'shame shame..' and the way this ignorant fucker reacted. What a shame, someone should actually have killed him .
But, at the same time, the country is blessed with people like Khurshid Ahmad Khan. They all just need the chance to prove themselves. Khan, am telling ya, deserved a man of the year award right after he sprayed the face of government counsel Kasuri black.
"I consider it to be one of the greatest achievements of my life, which, I hope, will earn me paradise," he says. And hell yeah.. you will be bestowed.
- More Later
The country witnessed this motherfucker on the public television losing his mind and shit. Just watch this, when the audience shouted 'shame shame..' and the way this ignorant fucker reacted. What a shame, someone should actually have killed him .
But, at the same time, the country is blessed with people like Khurshid Ahmad Khan. They all just need the chance to prove themselves. Khan, am telling ya, deserved a man of the year award right after he sprayed the face of government counsel Kasuri black.
"I consider it to be one of the greatest achievements of my life, which, I hope, will earn me paradise," he says. And hell yeah.. you will be bestowed.
- More Later
Friday, September 21, 2007
and more videos
Man, them al Qaedas are lovin' them some Pakistan, boy. Yeah yeah, so the Pakistani 'army' is on the hunt and has turned some big guys over to the US, along with a whole bunch of innocent fellow Pakistanis for boatloads of cash, but overall them al Qaeda guys have found a happy home inside the borders of America's greatest 'ally' in the Great War On Terror.
Now, they have threatened Pakistan directly. West thinks its the safe heaven. Whatever!!
And what happened to all the money the West has sent Pakistan to fight these terror guys? All of it has gone to line the pockets of the generals and brigadiers, who now sit fat and happy in Pakistan. This was the money spent to keep the democracy away and now 're-select' Musharraf.
There werent any several attempts to assuage the extremists have been initiated, or if any these efforts have done little to prevent the 'Arabisation' of the country or diminish continued support for al-Qaida leader, bin Laden. Infact, this has increased the threat these groups pose to Western countries in general and the United States and Pakistan in particular.
Now, they have threatened Pakistan directly. West thinks its the safe heaven. Whatever!!
And what happened to all the money the West has sent Pakistan to fight these terror guys? All of it has gone to line the pockets of the generals and brigadiers, who now sit fat and happy in Pakistan. This was the money spent to keep the democracy away and now 're-select' Musharraf.
There werent any several attempts to assuage the extremists have been initiated, or if any these efforts have done little to prevent the 'Arabisation' of the country or diminish continued support for al-Qaida leader, bin Laden. Infact, this has increased the threat these groups pose to Western countries in general and the United States and Pakistan in particular.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Osama's tape
Looks like he got sick of calling Bush as the only enemy and declaring war on US so now Osama has declared war on Pakistan. eh sorry, its the holy -war, what he said. Osama has lowered his standards further and now wants to fight Musharraf.
Well technically, Bush and Musharraf should also issue tapes on Fox and PTV respectively. Coz thats the name of the game, so far. This nexus of Evil has been enjoying all this on tax-payers money from US and Pakistan.
They all sound the same. By the way, i am inspired by this from The Rude.
Let's get this clear up front: Osama bin Laden ain't a threat to you or me. He wasn't much to begin with - he got lucky a couple of times, like lightning does - and he will never be again. He is a bullshit pissant with good PR, an ersatz pedant who knows how to manipulate brains fucked up by decades of poverty, war, and religious fanaticism.
Well technically, Bush and Musharraf should also issue tapes on Fox and PTV respectively. Coz thats the name of the game, so far. This nexus of Evil has been enjoying all this on tax-payers money from US and Pakistan.
They all sound the same. By the way, i am inspired by this from The Rude.
Let's get this clear up front: Osama bin Laden ain't a threat to you or me. He wasn't much to begin with - he got lucky a couple of times, like lightning does - and he will never be again. He is a bullshit pissant with good PR, an ersatz pedant who knows how to manipulate brains fucked up by decades of poverty, war, and religious fanaticism.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
doffing skin now?
This is so goddamn funny, really. Its like some one trying to take his own dick up his ass. And in this attempt, he, the general, tells you that theres isnt a specific 'timeframe' when this could actually happen.
So, the news is that there is no mention of a specific timeframe for General Pervez Musharraf to take off his uniform in the extension order he issued for himself. The order says he would continue serving as COAS till the new chief of army staff is appointed.
This fact was verified by the Attorney-General Qayyum, (who's actually helping Musharraf do this shitty thing).
"He is likely to submit such statement before the Supreme Court soon that there was no specific date for him to doff the uniform as per his appointment order, albeit he had committed to hang it up if re-elected," says this helper.
And by the way, he, the general, once said the uniform is his skin and he wont remove it.
So, the news is that there is no mention of a specific timeframe for General Pervez Musharraf to take off his uniform in the extension order he issued for himself. The order says he would continue serving as COAS till the new chief of army staff is appointed.
This fact was verified by the Attorney-General Qayyum, (who's actually helping Musharraf do this shitty thing).
"He is likely to submit such statement before the Supreme Court soon that there was no specific date for him to doff the uniform as per his appointment order, albeit he had committed to hang it up if re-elected," says this helper.
And by the way, he, the general, once said the uniform is his skin and he wont remove it.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Monday, September 17, 2007
what we want
This is so fucked up that it took me a couple of days to move my ass and actually write something, even when I knew that its gonna happen.
And not only me, every one around the world connected with this Banana Republic knew that they have been sold once again.
The rule of unelected dictator has added some more shit into already messed situation. The nation has no hopes, no wishes anymore coz of this evil bastard.
Normally, people actually wish for things like this:
we want a democratic government.
we want fair and free elections.
we want …….
But since the army is the part of the very much problem down there.
So, people pray something like that:
we don’t want army rule
we don’t want Musharraf
we don’t want Bush’s bitch
we don’t want deals…
we don’t want Arab rulers to interfere
we don't want ….
And not only me, every one around the world connected with this Banana Republic knew that they have been sold once again.
The rule of unelected dictator has added some more shit into already messed situation. The nation has no hopes, no wishes anymore coz of this evil bastard.
Normally, people actually wish for things like this:
we want a democratic government.
we want fair and free elections.
we want …….
But since the army is the part of the very much problem down there.
So, people pray something like that:
we don’t want army rule
we don’t want Musharraf
we don’t want Bush’s bitch
we don’t want deals…
we don’t want Arab rulers to interfere
we don't want ….
Friday, September 14, 2007
ad: say somethin'
Thursday, September 13, 2007
whos your daddy
Hey guys, would you call bitch-slapping as 'talks'? Could there be any 'talks' between a whore and a pimp or a servant and a master? Guess not. So, what possible talks there could be then.
Talking of masters, sometimes i wonder who our real master is, whos the daddy of this banana republic. America sends money, so they call the shots. But hang on - the Saudis build madrassas and give sanctuary to ousted former leaders, even going so far as to sit down with Pakistani "leadership" to negotiate the terms of when that "leader" can and cannot return. Britain's got a say. So do India, Iran, China... damn, that's a lot of countries.
And he, the musharraf, has been supported through out by these bosses. So, the question is that who runs Pakistan? Possible answer is that everyone but Pakistan itself.
Talking of masters, sometimes i wonder who our real master is, whos the daddy of this banana republic. America sends money, so they call the shots. But hang on - the Saudis build madrassas and give sanctuary to ousted former leaders, even going so far as to sit down with Pakistani "leadership" to negotiate the terms of when that "leader" can and cannot return. Britain's got a say. So do India, Iran, China... damn, that's a lot of countries.
And he, the musharraf, has been supported through out by these bosses. So, the question is that who runs Pakistan? Possible answer is that everyone but Pakistan itself.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
policies: mush vs Pak
"We have no Pakistan policy; we have a Musharraf policy. That's a bad policy. The policy should be based on a long-term relationship with Pakistan…" confessed Sen. Joe Biden, chair of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee recently.
And know what, many educated Pakistanis resent Bush's Musharraf policy, i.e., its unquestioned support to Musharraf without little or no regard to the people's democratic aspirations.
These people are also angry that Bush administration was silent on Nawaz's deportation. And this is the same class of people whom the administration intends to court to fight extremism.
US think tank observes that Washington expects Musharraf to lead the charge on extremism and terrorism, which, on his watch, have peaked to unprecedented levels. The negative fallout, for the U.S., of growing extremism in Pakistan is evident in the rising anti-American sentiment that is shared by 90% of its citizens.
Terrorists have never been stronger. Yet the Bush administration continues to regard Musharraf as an anchor of stability in the region.
A conservative thinker Chris Patten argues that "Afghanistan will never be stable unless Pakistan's military government is replaced with a democracy."
And know what, many educated Pakistanis resent Bush's Musharraf policy, i.e., its unquestioned support to Musharraf without little or no regard to the people's democratic aspirations.
These people are also angry that Bush administration was silent on Nawaz's deportation. And this is the same class of people whom the administration intends to court to fight extremism.
US think tank observes that Washington expects Musharraf to lead the charge on extremism and terrorism, which, on his watch, have peaked to unprecedented levels. The negative fallout, for the U.S., of growing extremism in Pakistan is evident in the rising anti-American sentiment that is shared by 90% of its citizens.
Terrorists have never been stronger. Yet the Bush administration continues to regard Musharraf as an anchor of stability in the region.
A conservative thinker Chris Patten argues that "Afghanistan will never be stable unless Pakistan's military government is replaced with a democracy."
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
who wanted to return anyway
He came, he saw and he ran away..

he came with his followers
he knew the nation would face his foe
he wanted his throne, he wanted his glory
he knew someone else could go
he called the bluff, couldnt take the challenge
they thought they'd sealed his doom
And they were right
he lost, he ran away again
Yesterday, Musharraf refused to allow former PM Nawaz Sharif to enter the country. And thats what Nawaz wanted too, anyway.

he came with his followers
he knew the nation would face his foe
he wanted his throne, he wanted his glory
he knew someone else could go
he called the bluff, couldnt take the challenge
they thought they'd sealed his doom
And they were right
he lost, he ran away again
Yesterday, Musharraf refused to allow former PM Nawaz Sharif to enter the country. And thats what Nawaz wanted too, anyway.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Literal brokers
Saudi intelligence chief Prince Muqrin bin Abdul-Aziz says “Sharif should honor an exile agreement, and scrap his plans to return to Pakistan.”
You royal motherfucker – the literal broker of the goddamn deal, why the hell are you so pissed?

Jeez, at some point, the country has decide about these pimps and why they have an influence over Pakistan?
From Osama bin Laden to Talibaan chief Mullah Omar to chief suspect in Daniel Pearl’s murder, Omar Saeed are all followers of Mohammed Abdul Al Wahab, the eighteenth century fundamentalist Mullah in Saudi Arabia. And these Wahabi followers were responsible for 9/11, the Arabs.
With the soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the Saudis involved themselves in a, first war of the twentieth century against the infidel. To this, they were encouraged by the USA and the military hardware was paid by them.
And these Saudi manipulated and exploited the religious sentiments thru the mosques and madarssas built by them all over the world.
At some points you gotta decide about these pimps, for once and for all.
You royal motherfucker – the literal broker of the goddamn deal, why the hell are you so pissed?

Jeez, at some point, the country has decide about these pimps and why they have an influence over Pakistan?
From Osama bin Laden to Talibaan chief Mullah Omar to chief suspect in Daniel Pearl’s murder, Omar Saeed are all followers of Mohammed Abdul Al Wahab, the eighteenth century fundamentalist Mullah in Saudi Arabia. And these Wahabi followers were responsible for 9/11, the Arabs.
With the soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the Saudis involved themselves in a, first war of the twentieth century against the infidel. To this, they were encouraged by the USA and the military hardware was paid by them.
And these Saudi manipulated and exploited the religious sentiments thru the mosques and madarssas built by them all over the world.
At some points you gotta decide about these pimps, for once and for all.
death of a culture
Theres a group out there who believes in our oldest and richest culture and is still proud of it. Unfortunately, the culture we had is dying.
The following article was published in The Friday Times by Khalid Ahmed, Two competing waves over Pakistan, explains alot. Thanks to Raza Rumi too.
The following article was published in The Friday Times by Khalid Ahmed, Two competing waves over Pakistan, explains alot. Thanks to Raza Rumi too.
Friday, September 7, 2007
MBT laugh

Hm, what made him giggle. Looks like he's looking at the barrel of an MBT - 2000 and thinking of taking it up his ass.
After more than 270 people were killed in attacks since July. He's fucking laughing. Whats so funny? After killing thousands of innocent people, selling most of them for Dollars and when hundreds are still missing on his orders.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
a day in the history
Sep 6, 1965 - India attacked Pakistan.
Since then Pakistan Army, the so - called professional, has invaded and conquered its own country, killed and murdered its own people.
Every year, they show the army equipments to the public, actually giving a message to them that this is what will be used on you.

Courtesy: Zahoor - Daily Times
Since then Pakistan Army, the so - called professional, has invaded and conquered its own country, killed and murdered its own people.
Every year, they show the army equipments to the public, actually giving a message to them that this is what will be used on you.

Courtesy: Zahoor - Daily Times
slim chances?
Its an insult to a bitch calling you a bitch, you fucking bitch. You have been sucking up to the generals and ruled with them for the last eight years, and there weren’t even eight minutes that anyone could hear you saying something in clear words.
Its has always been like listening to someone who has a 10 inch long dick in mouth. (ugh ya blah brrr ghh fkerur hvnvs) ya something like that.
And in these pissy voices, you shameless bastard, so-called leader of the Army owned party, blabbed that theres a lot of difference between the Marshal Law and the Emergency.
You prick, sodomization and anal penetration has a lot of difference. Ya, you know better coz you had that thing inside you all the time. You know better coz you have been enjoying it all the time.
Hell, the chances are slim, you cock sucker.
Its has always been like listening to someone who has a 10 inch long dick in mouth. (ugh ya blah brrr ghh fkerur hvnvs) ya something like that.
And in these pissy voices, you shameless bastard, so-called leader of the Army owned party, blabbed that theres a lot of difference between the Marshal Law and the Emergency.
You prick, sodomization and anal penetration has a lot of difference. Ya, you know better coz you had that thing inside you all the time. You know better coz you have been enjoying it all the time.
Hell, the chances are slim, you cock sucker.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
moron questioned
Consider this. You are in a dark room, all drunk and ready to enjoy a great fuck. Say, you got a whore with all the money your dad earned. Its going to be your second shot. You tear her clothes, threw her on the bed, force her to open legs wide open. You want to justify the money you spent.
You push your head back down unto the pillow, move your hand down her thighs. You are about to get to that extend where you will forget everything, everything in your mind will be mixed.
You will push yourself in now, and you will come hardest. the greatest fuck of your life, you think.. and then…
And then, all of a sudden, your dad walks into the room, turns on the lights .. and you…
you are in a compromising position, feeling just like this moron
You push your head back down unto the pillow, move your hand down her thighs. You are about to get to that extend where you will forget everything, everything in your mind will be mixed.
You will push yourself in now, and you will come hardest. the greatest fuck of your life, you think.. and then…
And then, all of a sudden, your dad walks into the room, turns on the lights .. and you…
you are in a compromising position, feeling just like this moron
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
dealing with deals
So, whats going on is Deal? What are the people involved in Deals are called, Dealers? What do they deal, ofcourse a commodity. What are the people involved in the process of deals are called, pimps? What kind of a reputation does a dealer obtains – shitty?
Logically, this all means that a ‘Deal’ is in progress between a couple of shitty dealers, with the help of few pimps and the commodity is the power as well as the control of the country.
Logically, this all means that a ‘Deal’ is in progress between a couple of shitty dealers, with the help of few pimps and the commodity is the power as well as the control of the country.
Monday, September 3, 2007
more whoring again
It's sort of like if you're a manwhore who's been sucking cock all night in the bathroom of a bar. You're covered in spunk, lips chapped, belly full, it's about 5 a.m., and, fuck, manwhores've gotta sleep, too.
And in comes more boys lookin' for some leather-lovin'. They want you to blow them, say they've got sick cash for you. You tell them to let you think about it, maybe call a manwhore buddy, but, really, and, c'mon, you're gonna be taking the chowder.
You're a manwhore. What the fuck else are you gonna do? All of a sudden say that three more cocks are too many?
C'mere, boys, let's get suckin'. And you, sucker, now have to give more blowjobs to survive .... and, hey, here are more whores.
And in comes more boys lookin' for some leather-lovin'. They want you to blow them, say they've got sick cash for you. You tell them to let you think about it, maybe call a manwhore buddy, but, really, and, c'mon, you're gonna be taking the chowder.
You're a manwhore. What the fuck else are you gonna do? All of a sudden say that three more cocks are too many?
C'mere, boys, let's get suckin'. And you, sucker, now have to give more blowjobs to survive .... and, hey, here are more whores.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
sometimes i think that these power-hungers are taking up too much space, oxygen, food and water. - let alone what they took from the country and from its people.
sometimes i think that all of these nature's resources they waste could be given to someone who really wants to live. - let alone what they have been wasting while posing themselves as the politicians.
goddamn it. shit, man.
sometimes i think that all of these nature's resources they waste could be given to someone who really wants to live. - let alone what they have been wasting while posing themselves as the politicians.
goddamn it. shit, man.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
biggest assholes of the week
Technically, you wana call it assholes of the last 8 years, but given the time line Wasi Zafar and Sher Afgun - the fucking horse-faced cock-suckers sure take the lead again. And useless to say they both need a big-arm.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Writing on the wall: If you remember this, you can understand. Otherwise, the event is that the King was enjoying his last days in the palace when suddenly the figure of a human hand appeared and wrote on the plaster of the wall, near the lamp stand in the royal palace. The king watched the hand as it wrote. His face turned pale and he was so frightened that his knees knocked together and his legs gave way.
The writing on the wall was: mene-mene-takel-peres.
Now the Bible says that the Kind called Daniel and said, I have heard that you are able to give interpretations and solve different problems. If you can read this writing and tell me what it means, you will be clothed in purple and have a gold chain placed around your neck and you will be made the third highestruler in the kingdom.
In these times, the writing on the wall is again: mene-takel,
But the modern king, the-army-uniformed-sucker cant see it and cant get anyone to translate.
He approached his bitches and one of them went crazy and is unleashed now. It looks like the writing on the wall would be a writing on his sorry ass soon, coz a showcause notice has been issued.
The writing on the wall was: mene-mene-takel-peres.
Now the Bible says that the Kind called Daniel and said, I have heard that you are able to give interpretations and solve different problems. If you can read this writing and tell me what it means, you will be clothed in purple and have a gold chain placed around your neck and you will be made the third highestruler in the kingdom.
In these times, the writing on the wall is again: mene-takel,
But the modern king, the-army-uniformed-sucker cant see it and cant get anyone to translate.
He approached his bitches and one of them went crazy and is unleashed now. It looks like the writing on the wall would be a writing on his sorry ass soon, coz a showcause notice has been issued.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
doing fine
In all honesty, what does 'doing fine' mean?
does it mean listening to authority? does it mean sleeping when you're supposed to? does it mean thinking about living? is sufficiency is measured by fecundity, efficacy, output, and habitualness?
if so, then "doing fine" is basically your ability to fake it. if so, then "doing fine" is basically the cadence of your day to day life?
basically not perpetually thinking about nihilism. basically not staying awake until five am, staring at blank papers. basically not about the moments that are penultimate to your death. basically not wanting cigarettes, valium, drink?
then i guess i'm not doing fine...or i'm just going mad.
does it mean listening to authority? does it mean sleeping when you're supposed to? does it mean thinking about living? is sufficiency is measured by fecundity, efficacy, output, and habitualness?
if so, then "doing fine" is basically your ability to fake it. if so, then "doing fine" is basically the cadence of your day to day life?
basically not perpetually thinking about nihilism. basically not staying awake until five am, staring at blank papers. basically not about the moments that are penultimate to your death. basically not wanting cigarettes, valium, drink?
then i guess i'm not doing fine...or i'm just going mad.
Monday, August 20, 2007
same happened there
For most of us, America is a heaven, a place where you could get drunk, earn easy bucks and have sex. But its not like that, coz this country also fucked up the same way as ours, espcially when it comes to disasters - not to mention that it could be political and natural.
Over the next few days, i will be in New Orleans hopefully, to witness that this land is grounded as Balakot.
Funny enough that some motherfcukers even here claim that: Katrina is the evidence that God, Jesus, or whatever is mightily pissed at the United States. Sounds familiar, innit?
Yep, God's showin' us who's boss, they say.
Not a one of the quoted people of faith are anything more than fringe-ass nuts beggin' for air time.
So did the political bitches delivered their awful speeches, promising to put it back on track, but all is deep down in the shit. Same happened there.
You assholes, blame anyone you want. It's so much more convenient. It's so much less mind-blowing, but it sure is totally fucked up.
Over the next few days, i will be in New Orleans hopefully, to witness that this land is grounded as Balakot.
Funny enough that some motherfcukers even here claim that: Katrina is the evidence that God, Jesus, or whatever is mightily pissed at the United States. Sounds familiar, innit?
Yep, God's showin' us who's boss, they say.
Not a one of the quoted people of faith are anything more than fringe-ass nuts beggin' for air time.
So did the political bitches delivered their awful speeches, promising to put it back on track, but all is deep down in the shit. Same happened there.
You assholes, blame anyone you want. It's so much more convenient. It's so much less mind-blowing, but it sure is totally fucked up.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Men in Uniform
So the PM was blabbing on and on about the army. How they are good at work. Oh yeah? Theres a reason for that, which is that you want to save your ass and will run away anytime. Isnt it?
By the way you have to define the word ‘work’ you fucking prick.
They never existed. They had no contribution whatsoever in the formation of the country. They won no war. They signed and divided the country. They surrendered. They toppled the political government. Upset the setups. Killed country’s own people.
They fucking are good at this work then, coz that’s they work they have been doing. And they are the servant of the nation and the country actually which they don’t know. They should be ashamed of their work then asshole.
By the way you have to define the word ‘work’ you fucking prick.
They never existed. They had no contribution whatsoever in the formation of the country. They won no war. They signed and divided the country. They surrendered. They toppled the political government. Upset the setups. Killed country’s own people.
They fucking are good at this work then, coz that’s they work they have been doing. And they are the servant of the nation and the country actually which they don’t know. They should be ashamed of their work then asshole.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
SC decision
Fuck you, General. Fuck you, fuck you, and, uh, oh, fuck you. Fuck you for trying to kick out the Justice and the Justice himself. Fuck you for putting yourself and your family above the good of the country. And fuck you because you claim that you consider ‘Pakistan First’.
And Fuck you MMA because you probably would have voted differently than what you did proving yourself Generals bitch. Don't fuckin' crow about how you wanted to vote against and then gave him a way out. You could have stopped all this, so fuck you.
Fuck you, and, hey, by the way, fuck you, Qs, for not having the balls to go to the people and instead licking and sucking general shit-hole. Fuck you for having the total dicks and total pussies and thuggish assholes that are sucking general for so long.
And Fuck you MMA because you probably would have voted differently than what you did proving yourself Generals bitch. Don't fuckin' crow about how you wanted to vote against and then gave him a way out. You could have stopped all this, so fuck you.
Fuck you, and, hey, by the way, fuck you, Qs, for not having the balls to go to the people and instead licking and sucking general shit-hole. Fuck you for having the total dicks and total pussies and thuggish assholes that are sucking general for so long.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
the obscenity fuck is a very old word and has been considered shocking from the first, though it is seen in print much more often now than in the past. Its first known occurence was sometime before 1500.
an act of sexual intercourse
to act wastefully or foolishly
used an an intensive
to interfere; meddle. often used with with
used to express extreme displeasure
We knew the meanings, we still learned it the hard way. Over the past sixty years we were told five times. we learned nothing. we are fucked.
an act of sexual intercourse
to act wastefully or foolishly
used an an intensive
to interfere; meddle. often used with with
used to express extreme displeasure
We knew the meanings, we still learned it the hard way. Over the past sixty years we were told five times. we learned nothing. we are fucked.
The A team, the other day, reminded me of this fact by calling it loud that the world is fucked up by three kind of people which are Dicks, Pussies and Assholes. Sounds right especially when you are looking down to your own country's political setup.
Lets figure this out, looks like the Pussies are out on self-exiled whatever. Assholes are ofcourse in the ruling party, an amalgam of different - again - whatever. So where the fuck are the dicks? Guess they need pills to get erected. The reaction to the March - 9 decision could be called as the rubbing but it still needs to get stiff. Once its raised to that rigid condition - ah - you think what could happen, all i could say is whatever!
whatever that would be - will turn on everything.
Lets figure this out, looks like the Pussies are out on self-exiled whatever. Assholes are ofcourse in the ruling party, an amalgam of different - again - whatever. So where the fuck are the dicks? Guess they need pills to get erected. The reaction to the March - 9 decision could be called as the rubbing but it still needs to get stiff. Once its raised to that rigid condition - ah - you think what could happen, all i could say is whatever!
whatever that would be - will turn on everything.
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