It’s not more than a pro to the army, lead by an asshole, now. And, that's the way assholes work, whether on the street or in the presidential office. An asshole says he's gonna do it his way and if you don't wanna do it his way, you go fuck yourself. And if you're a real asshole, and someone threatens you, you usually say something like, "Bring it on."
When did we become such a nation of assholes? Led by the kind of jerk-off whose ass we always wanted to kick or see kicked out in the playground or behind the bar? Instead, we allow, without so much as a whimper, our "elected" leaders to represent us by behaving like bullies.
Our democracy is all about pimp-slapping the constitution. "58-2-B, you keep your head down and lick the army boots, bitch" they say, slamming constitution against a wall and holding it by its neck as we slap its face back and forth. "That's right, bitch. You best listen to me. Now, get out there and get on your knees."