Fact is that, Charlie Wilson was a drunken, drug-using whoremonger who used his office to stir the pot in Afghanistan, falling back on the hackneyed premise that communism was somehow worse than putting weapons into the hands of fanatics.
Not surprisingly, Washington Post too portrayed Wilson as a lovable rogue who did the right thing for the wrong reasons. Or the wrong thing for the right reasons. Or something.
Let’s cut to the chase: This man’s intrigues and self-styled Lawrence of Arabia-style buffoonery led directly to the Taliban seizing control of Afghanistan and the rise of Osama bin Laden, so you could say that his actions led to not only 9/11 but the “Talibanization” of Pakistan as well.
Even the US press continues to fawn and cluck over Charlie’s lovable bad boy antics while ignoring the geopolitical havoc he wreaked.
And you’d think that Charlie of Kabul might feel a sense of responsibility for the hell he unleashed by poking his nose in where it never belonged, or at least a sense of shame. But you’d be oh so wrong.