It isn’t just that the U.S. can’t keep its mouth shut on the issue of Pakistan. It’s that every time any American with any influence opens his or her mouth, the memory of Benazir Bhutto is disgraced further, the Pakistan people insulted and infantilized by the views of so-called “leaders”.
Consider President Bush’s official statement on the murder:
"The United States strongly condemns this cowardly act by murderous extremists who are trying to undermine Pakistan's democracy."
Only the Bush administration would consider a regime that jails opposition leaders, justices opposed to the Musharraf regime and smothers the press under draconian restrictions as constituting “democracy”. Perhaps Bush eyes Musharraf with jealous eyes, wishing he had the power to do the same. The administration's tepid response to Musharraf's tyranny was a clear signal to the rogue dictator that they would regard the mere posturing and pretense of democracy that he was offering as a true representation of a legitimate democratic process -- as long as their dictator prevailed. The presidential candidates aren’t covering themselves in glory either.
What’s the response? If only those out of control Muslims appreciated what they had, we wouldn’t be in this mess.
Mitt Romey (R-Forget My Religion Has Been Vilified by My Fellow Americans): I think what's happened in Pakistan has made more clear in the mind of the American public and perhaps some of our Democratic colleagues as well that what we're dealing with in the global war on terror, this war against violent Jihadism, is not just an effort in Iraq or even extended to Afghanistan, but this is a worldwide effort on the part of violent Jihadists who have as the their intent the collapse of all nations, Islamic as well as Western."
Rudy Giuliani (R-I Was the Mayor of New York During 9/11): Her death is a reminder that terrorism anywhere — whether in New York, London, Tel-Aviv or Rawalpindi — is an enemy of freedom. We must redouble our efforts to win the Terrorists’ War on Us. Showing great sensitivity to the suffering of bleeding Pakistan, batshit insane Mike Huckabee, (R-Christian Fundamentalists): ..We have more Pakistani illegals coming across our border than all other nationalities except those immediately south of the border, and in light of what is happening in Pakistan it ought to give us pause as to why are so many illegals coming across these borders.” He later corrected his statement,but only after a flood of negative press.
The Democrats haven’t covering themselves in glory. Hillary Clinton (D-Enabler): “I'm not calling for him (Musharraf) to step down.”
John Edwards (D-Did You Know I Met with Benazir Bhutto in Abu Dhabi?): “I spoke to President Musharraf…and urged him to continue the democratization process.” Barack Obama (D-Let’s Bomb The Fuck Out of Them): Musharraf’s first order of business should be to extend his sympathy to the Bhutto family.
And yes, the Dems support the idea of “outside investigators” coming in to figure out what happened, like the new sheriff striding into town in High Noon. What bullshit. What an unrealistic solution. How safe. How cowardly.
Meanwhile, there’s a conscious effort to avoid the third rail of this horrible tragedy: That the murder of Benazir Bhutto was an inside job.
With friends like these, do the Pakistani people need enemies?