Have you ever called your maid a witch, your friend a moron, your teacher a nutbag? If you did, this is what would happen - the witch wouldnt come to work the next day, your friend would tell you to fuck off and your teacher would expel your disrespectful ass from the classroom.
So its kinda fascinating to me that we the people of Pakistan are so disturbed that our goddamn president is so abusive to his ministers and advisors and that not one of the "victims" has made a peep of protest.
Why worry for the dignity of a few who never stood up for yours? they brought the corruption and poverty level to its current peak.
Be happy that there is someone, no matter how much of a crook and shakedown artist, is actually giving his craven staff some shit back. So what if he lashed out at "senior ministers", calling one a witch and another impotent? What if he has told "other members" to shut up or mocked their personal foibles, divorces and affairs?
Some say his behavior is putting off those who work around him to the point that they actively try to avoid running into him. Are you fucking kidding? If the abuse is so bad and the humiliation so unbearable at the hands of this monster boss, who has resigned of this attitude? Name of single member of this "gang" who left the President's service after being subject to a humiliating tirade.
None, Not one.
So let the man do his worst; after all we know he's good at it. And get this straight that this country is a Bambino - run by a gang.